Saturday, October 9, 2010

In the Spirit of "No Pressure"

There comes this in the latest line of odd offerings from the authorities:
If only George Orwell had portrayed the futuristic tyrants of England with music and laughter, costumes and gaiety, as the Big Brothers sings the songs of fond childhood memories about the omniscience of the police cameras, and how there is no escape, the parody could not have been believed. The chains binding the beloved magical car of my youthful daydreams to the ground is like a blasphemy to me.

I find this remarkably more chilling than a stern or officious warning, for the same reason that being beheaded by Jack Ketch is somehow worse if he wears, instead of his traditional black hood, a painted clown suit.
And, in the clearest statement of why the No Pressure video is almost incomprehensible coming from the organization which created it:
They are no longer even capable of understanding what their own "art" reveals about them. The people who created that commercial did not, for one second, comprehend in their bovine obliviousness, that they had cast their own side unambiguously in the role of the villian, in their own propaganda piece.

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