Wednesday, October 20, 2010

On Catholic Deacons and Chilean Miners

Okay, so the guy doesn't get ordained a deacon till next year--but still.  The video interview is well worth your time (at the original site.)
Hall...says his faith was only strengthened in Chile when his years of experience only took him so far as he worked on that rescue shaft to reach the miners.

"There was a few times I was technically stuck. There was one time I specifically remember I didn't know what else to do. So I actually started praying and the prayer worked. A good friend of mine, he came up to me. He goes there's no way you could have drilled that hole. You know it's impossible. He goes God drilled that hole.

This was one of the most technically difficult jobs that anybody has ever heard of. It would be considered to be impossible to do. People come up to me in church and say where are the miracles now. We don't see the miracles. I've always told them miracles happen everyday, you just don't see it. This is a time when we see it. This is a miracle."

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