Tuesday, October 12, 2010

On The Boromirification of American Politics

Or "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ring." Mark Shea speaks for me:
...What I'm saying here is that there is a reason the Church has lasted so long while political associations dedicated to grabbing the One Ring keep dying. Jesus wasn't kidding when he said that to find your life you have to lose it. When parties get together, they fall into the trap of self-congratulation and scheming about how to defeat the other guy. When we meet for Mass, we are instructed to say not, "We're Number One! Woo Hoo!" but the penitential rite. When you focus on repenting your sins instead of trying to win, you paradoxically find yourself winning because you seek your life from God and not from cunning. Both parties are getting stupider and stupider because they are focused on winning and holding on to power and not on living in truth or justice. This transparent falsehood from Iott is but one tiny sample. Far bigger and of much greater import is Obama's flat out lie about the "end of combat" and his similar betrayals in seizing the power to murder citizens without evidence, arrest, or trial. Likewise, his coverups of war crimes make it abundantly clear he's got no interest in truth (if his endorsement of sticking scissors in a baby's brain were not enough).

This is why I will continue to vote for doomed quixotic third party candidates who do not ask me to support grave moral evil in *any* form. I'm done voting for the 30% Less Evil Than the Other Leading Brand candidate.

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