Thursday, November 25, 2010

On the Catholicity of the Church

As displayed at every elevation of cardinals:
It's been noted here before but is ever worth repeating: the greatest glory of Consistory Week is found far less in its rites than in the masterful exhibition of the universality of The Church -- that is, God's people spread across the globe -- its convergence in Rome from all corners over these days finding no parallel at any other ecclesial moment...Three years ago, the Vatican folk were deeply taken by Rome's mass influx of Texans who came to celebrate the first-ever cardinal given the American South -- so they say, the group's vibrance considerably brightened the outlook of the natives on the future of the Stateside church. And today, as Benedict almost quadrupled the number of African electors he's elevated to date in one fell swoop, the throng that accompanied the head of the continent's largest local church, Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya of Kinshasa -- home to 4 million Catholics -- had its turn to make their presence known... and delivered in memorable style...
Videos at the original post.

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