Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"...indeed slow motion genocide..."

A remarkable breakdown of abortion statistics:

According to the New York City’s 2008 Vital Statistics, (Reference 1), the following numbers of abortions have been procured between1999-2008. In this ten year period:

Asian/Pacific Islander 50,382; 5.5%
Non-Hispanic White 101,856; 11%
Hispanic 296,330; 32.1%
Blacks (non-Hispanic) 430,515; 46.7%

726,845 dead Black and Hispanic babies, out of the total of 922,272 in that ten-year period alone represents a genocide in slow motion. So do the following:

• 20 million aborted black babies nationwide since 1973 (Reference #3)
• The number of aborted blacks, according to the Centers for Disease Control, outnumbers the next leading seven causes of death among blacks combined. (Reference #2)
• Blacks are down to 12.3% of the U.S. population in 2010, from 14.8% in 2000. (Reference #4)
• While only 12.3% of the U.S. population, blacks have 37% of all abortions nationwide, and 46.7% City-wide. (References 1 & 2)
• Whites in New York City have 512 abortions for every 1000 live births, Hispanics have 687 abortions per 1000 live births, and blacks have 1,260 abortions per 1000 live births. Blacks represent a race in decline. (Reference # 5)

This is indeed slow motion genocide...

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