A divisive Thursday night lecture on the subject of reproductive rights brought both sides of the issue to the University of Washington, and some attendees ended their night with a trip to the police station.
On a college campus were [sic] writing is a requirement and lively debate is the norm, it's not surprising that Thursday's visit from Abby Johnson created controversy...
See, now, when I hear "controversial pro-life speaker" and "divisive lecture," I think of Randall Terry or possibly, I dunno, someone who's going to start pulling out aborted baby pictures. But Abby Johnson? Really? One of the sweetest, gentlest speakers you're ever going to hear?
I think this says a lot more about the intolerance of Seattle pro-choicers than it does about the "divisive" nature of what Abby's saying.
I would imagine that if she'd said at UW what she said at FUS, there would perhaps justifiably have been fireworks. But again--this is the woman who emphasizes the humanity and the good intentions of people who are pro-choice, who worked at an abortion clinic for years and speaks well of her former coworkers, who's had abortions herself
By the way--KOMO 4 misspells "where" right before mentioning that "writing is a requirement" at UW...and what the heck does a writing requirement have to do with people interrupting a speaker? Why don't they write letters to the editor instead of breaking every semblance of actually being at a university where conflicting viewpoints are welcome and actual dialogue can occur?
I am happy to see people so dedicated to the equal rights of women that they are willing to get arrested over it.
Abby may be a pleasant speaker, but she is preaching hate against women.
Just like the protestors, I am intolerant to people who tell me they want to protect my my life by keeping me away from abortion. Thank you for the thought, but I can think for myself and I do not need others to make my decision for me. I am intolerant to women who tell me that they know better than me because they have been through the abortion process. I have been through the process as well and do not have any of the feelings Abby described. Abby is in fact the intolerant one and thank God other people are standing up and fighting for their rights. She can be as pro-life as she wants, nobody will force her to have another abortion, but please accept that it is not the only way. The only reason the protesters are there is to defend themselves in this war on women, not to blindly cause trouble.
Yep. I am 100% intolerant. Of bigots and of people who spread lies in an effort to control my body. Zero tolerance for people like Abby Johnson.
Jody--I suppose it's snarky, but "equal rights" for women? Men can't get an abortion...
"I am intolerant to people who tell me they want to protect my my life by keeping me away from abortion."
I'm not sure if she's saying she's defending women's lives--she's definitely trying to save the lives of infant women, of course, and a lot of little men, as well.
"I am intolerant to women who tell me that they know better than me because they have been through the abortion process."
I don't know if she thinks she knows better--after all, her immediate reaction to having had that experience was to go to work for Planned Parenthood for years. I think she believes that abortion is the taking of innocent human lives, and therefore, should be opposed for the sake of saving such lives.
"I have been through the process as well and do not have any of the feelings Abby described."
"Abby is in fact the intolerant one"
You've just noted your own intolerance and declared your pride in it.
"nobody will force her to have another abortion"
If she was Chinese, you couldn't say that. I guess my point is that abortion is not synonymous with choice. It is a procedure, and procedures can be mandated.
"please accept that it is not the only way"
Not the only way to what?
Anonymous: "who spread lies in an effort to control my body."
What lies does she spread?
"Zero tolerance for people like Abby Johnson."
Why? Is she not free to choose to be pro-life and advocate for it in the public square? Or could I correctly call you an "anti-choice bigot?"
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