Sunday, November 21, 2010

They're Killing Black People

Amidst a deafening silence:
During a recent radio interview with an African-American pastor, I was asked who has abortions. I gave the politically correct answer about young women, teens and adolescents. But then I talked about something that is certainly more politically incorrect and incredibly disturbing.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research arm, there is more specific answer to this pastor’s question. Their statistics show that African-American women have abortions at nearly five times the rate of white women and twice the Hispanic rate. (There are 11 abortions per 1000 white women, 28 per 1000 Hispanic women and 50 per 1000 black women). These women are mostly poor, young and single.

It is interesting to note that African-Americans compose about an eighth of the U.S. population, and yet they have more than a third of America’s abortions. Using the statistics through 2005, since abortion was legalized more than 17 million African-American children have been lost. On the eve of the 2010 census, there were 40 million African-Americans in the U.S. They are now only 12.3% of the U.S. population, down from 14.8% in 2000. Those missing millions would have made a significant difference.

This was all reverberating in my mind, as I had just seen the documentary Blood Money the evening before. I highly recommend it to you! The movie directly addresses many issues and abuses of the abortion industry, including the issue of black genocide that is effectively being carried out under the guise of abortion in the black community.

In fact, in 1997, before reversing his pro-life stance, Rev. Jesse Jackson said that “abortion is black genocide.”...In 2009, Dr. Freda Bush, a prolife, African-American obstetrician and gynecologist in private practice in Jackson, Miss., said that according to CDC records, abortion kills more African- Americans than the other seven leading causes of death.
Some alarming stories shared:
Nicole from New York had heart-wrenching insight into what she refers to as the ‘I don’t care cycle,’ a prevailing attitude among black women she claims takes root at an early age. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard friends of mine in the black community say ‘If I get pregnant, I’m going straight to Planned Parenthood.’ There’s no thought that goes into in. It’s so sad to admit it, but it’s literally ‘the thing to do,’” said Nicole.

She went on to explain that an education gap on the subject of abortion is largely to blame. “Many women just don’t understand what happens when they enter that clinic. They have no concept of the human life inside them, not to mention the risks involved,” said Nicole, adding that both a careless attitude and a lack of awareness form part of a vicious cycle that is tough to break from one generation to the next. “No one is offering us the truth. The churches in our community have failed us, our parents have failed us and we are now failing our own children…we were never taught to respect life, starting with our own...”

Yvette from New Jersey agreed with much of what Nicole had to say concerning attitude and education, adding to Vicki Thorn’s point about how Planned Parenthood makes itself all too readily available in black neighborhoods. “When there’s one on every corner, it becomes the easy and acceptable thing to do,” said Yvette...

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