Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Third Party Voting, Presidential Elections, and Mark Shea

I agree almost completely with Mark Shea's points.  Excerpts:
...Now if we were smart, we’d be writing, faxing, and phoning R/R every day with wheedles, threats, cajoles saying, “Get serious or you lose my vote in a very close election and if you so much as *think* about betraying me you have made an enemy and one who will work to defeat you and your party in the midterms.”  Instead, what we get is enormous energy spent on constant shushing from other prolifers who fear that thought of this duplicitous man losing and who believe the myth”vote for Romney or you are really voting for Obama”. Utter rubbish.  A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for that candidate, not for somebody else.

So, yeah: I accept the case for No...
Now, I also find John Wright's reasoning on a vote for Romney/Ryan rather interesting. Excerpts:
...Which stances of the two parties, Democrat or Republican are compatible with faithful Church teaching and natural reason, and which are directly opposed to faith and reason?...

I would say that one can vote for the lesser of two evils if the lesser evil does not involve you in the mortal sin, that is, a candidate who advocates torture or advocates abortion.

But the two parties are not the same. The are not Kang and Kodos.

I do not think the Republican Party is grossly, openly, nakedly, evil, with an evil that grins like a vacant skull, so smugly delighted with their evil that they boast of it. The Democrat party is.

They were not always thus. I am old enough to remember hardline God-fearing Democrat union men, coal miners and farmers and staunch anti-communists who looked to Uncle Sam to keep Big Business from railroading them. In my lifetime, the Dems took a sharp turn toward the hard left, and became the atheist pervertarian antinomians Politically Correct Gnostics we know and love today, men psychologically incapable of repelling, or even acknowledging the existence of, the Jihad, men dying of terminal narcissism, and yearning to drag us down to degradation and hell with them.

The Republicans are greedy, stupid, treacherous, disunified, undisciplined and untrustworthy, and I do not expect their campaign promises to be kept except on issues where the base is and continues to be filled with a cold and persistent outrage.

Hence I do not expect abortion to be acted upon by Republican politicians. To abolish that, we must do it ourselves, from the grass roots up...
So I'm not sure yet what I'll do.

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