Saturday, March 19, 2011

Deep Magic

otherwise known as the Logos, rules the universe.  Excerpts:
...For the thoroughgoing atheist, the problem of suffering might eventually be solved by means of technology and an ingenious rearrangement of political systems.

But the Christian knows that it takes blood.

I wrote a few months ago on my favorite things about being a Catholic. One of them was that we can offer up our sufferings for the good of others. This seems to me not so much an addendum to the spiritual life as the very heart of it. The fact that voluntary suffering is spiritually efficacious is no less than a spiritual law, in almost exactly the same sense that gravity is a physical law.

That is to say, it’s not a rule in the same sense that soccer has rules. It’s descriptive rather than prescriptive. It is the way the world works. If we are surprised that the spiritual world should have rules, it is because we have forgotten that the spiritual world is no less real, no less objective, than the physical world. More so, if anything.

Seeing things in this light has helped me gain a better understanding of the Redemption...

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