Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Contraception Raises Abortion Rates

So saith Rome...and the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood's research arm.  h/t Gerard Nadal.  Excerpts:
...The Bishops warned us that contraception took us one long walk down the road to abortion. They were ridiculed as clueless old celibates.

Then, there is this from Guttmacher:
Contraceptive use is a key predictor of women’s recourse to abortion. The very small group of American women who are at risk of experiencing an unintended pregnancy but are not using contraceptives account for almost half of all abortions. Many of these women did not think they would get pregnant or had concerns about contraceptive methods. The remainder of abortions occur among the much larger group of women who were using contraceptives in the month they became pregnant. Many of these women report difficulty using contraceptives consistently.
This is quite an admission by Guttmacher. The people who hand out the birth control pills like candy indicate elsewhere that 54% of all women presenting for abortion were using contraception in the month in which they became pregnant. In the face of their colossal failure, they claim that what is needed is more contraception.

I love my Bishops...

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