Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Scott Hahn's Classroom in the World

If you ever thought you'd gotten everything you could from Scott Hahn by reading his books, you are sadly mistaken. Check this out, for instance:
History demonstrates that our culture is in a dramatic crisis. Like our nation, ancient civilizations began as trustees of family and culture. But eventually families lost their sacred unity and the state took over family responsibilities. The legalization of divorce followed, then the toleration of sexual immorality, population decrease, feministic movements, disrespect of parents and the values of the past, and ultimately the legal protection of perversion. If this sounds familiar, you have a right to be concerned. Because no civilization has ever survived this process.
And there's a ton more where that comes from. Search "Hahn" in the St. Joseph's website. A lot of the material has never popped up in his books, or at least never been fully fleshed out. It's like sitting in a class with him--only you can replay tapes.

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