Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Speaking of Modern Aztecs

The Catholic Church is accused of putting dogma before human life and/or of killing millions by refusing to distribute contraception in Africa. Well, at least we don't endanger African women in the name of medical research:

A major trial of a vaginal microbicide has produced no evidence that its use reduces the risk of HIV infection in women.

The gel, PRO 2000, is intended for use before sexual intercourse to help reduce HIV infection.

It was tested in a trial involving 9,385 women in four African countries.

The risk of HIV infection was not significantly different among women supplied with the gel than in women given a placebo gel.

So...um. You handed a bunch of women something known to have no medical value--a placebo--and waited to see...what, exactly? Could this be compared to testing the relative value of Kevlar by giving half the trial participants the real thing and the other half feather pillows, then putting them into a live fire environment? As if that weren't enough, the article continues:
It was hoped microbicide gels would prove to be an effective way to limit the spread of HIV, as experts admit that condom promotion alone has not controlled the epidemic.
So. About that whole "Vatican kills people by not distributing condoms" thing.

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