Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mother, Daughter, Housewife, Spy: A Hero of Israel

Utterly awesome. Excerpts:
Reading of each fresh atrocity in Syria conjures unique memories and emotions for Judy Feld Carr, a Toronto woman who worked for 28 years as a hidden spy master, a civilian orchestrating the escape of 3,228 Jews from the anti-Semitic regime that had locked the unwanted minority inside its borders.

...“Hearing of the hell that is going on in Syria today substantiates everything that I had done for 28 years because I so closely watched the hell that was going on there before,” she said this week from her Toronto home.

“I had to live a double life. I was a mommy and a wife and a daughter… and then had to sneak away and do all of my secret stuff.”...
She actually read John le Carré to learn spycraft.  God bless her, and may there be 10,000 more like her.

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