- Pray, especially the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Pray for our politicians, our military and law enforcement personnel, our allies overseas, our enemies at home and abroad--everyone. Pray for their conversion and sanctification, the Holy Spirit in their hearts and minds, the transformation of the Indwelling Trinity for them now and into eternity. Pray! As grace is unleashed into the world by our inviting God in, more people will become holy. A civilization of love depends upon a society of saints--a whole generation of people who answer the universal call to holiness. That's how the culture of death and fear will be confounded and the culture of life will win out. We won't be able to discern light from darkness without prayer. Nor will our actions have supernatural power or our words be full of truth if we aren't regularly getting in touch with God, the way, the truth, and the life. Don;t forget to fast, as well!
- Accept the antique maxim "Give me liberty or give me death!" We must remember that if we surrender all our liberties for security, we shall have neither liberty nor security. Be willing that there should be casualties in a free society, or else we shall give all our rights away for no sure security.
- Know and love your neighbors. Join groups. Form networks of friends, acquaintances, relatives, that cannot be sundered if you lose your phone or are offline for a time. Get to know the people around you. Love them. Pray for them. Go to church, or temple, or mosque, or whatever house of worship you choose--but join. Join the Knights of Columbus, or the PTA, or a book club, or something, just to better know and love the people around you. Take local community and family seriously. They're the ones who'll be around for you when you're old or ill or in need. If you haven't built those relationships, you will truly be all alone with no attachments to anything larger than yourself should the bottom ever fall out of your life.
- Do works of mercy and don't stop. Find the needs which your time, talents, or treasure can best answer, then meet those needs.
- Get involved in local politics. It's the local politicians of today who, in a few years or decades, will be the national and international powerhouses. If you want to see good, honorable people in national politics, start encouraging good, honorable people to get involved in local politics. Get involved yourself! Stop complaining about the people on offer and get your name or the name of the best and wisest human beings you have ever known on the ballot.
- Join one of the major parties and stand your ground. There must be criticism from within. There must be pro-life Democrats and Republicans who refuse to accept "anything in the name of national security." There must be people who will not go with the flow, who will be living things and go against the current, to paraphrase Chesterton. Only then will the parties come to their senses.
- Speak the truth. Write letters to the editor. Write blogs. Post on Facebook. Don't go quietly into this looming night. Speak! If enough of us talk about these impossible, insane, unthinkable realities which are falling into place around us, then we will live in an educated electorate. There will be hope for real democratic change based upon a knowledge of the severity of the situation and, at the same time, a sense of empowerment to make a change. Remember the methods used by Vaclav Havel, Pope John Paul II, Solzhenitsyn, and others to fight the doublethink and the culture of the lie they faced. Take to heart the wisdom of George Orwell: “In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” The truth is powerful--always has been, always will be. "And then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32.
- Be holy as your Father in heaven is holy. Here's
how, and here
, and here
, and here
"The great storm is coming, but the tide has turned." Culture, Catholicism, and current trends watched with a curious eye.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Infrastructure of Tyranny--Solutions
So, in light of this long list of unthinkable realities, what is to be done?
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