There's been some wonderful work from the world of pop culture in the past, oh, 5 decades or so, on the whole question of Catholic teaching on any number of issues. What, one might wonder, is the view of the Church taken by those who find the Church's teaching...oh, what's the word...medieval?
Now, of course, one might have a few questions about the accuracy of the presentation. And one might want to ask to what extent this is really represents the whole history of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa, Vincent de Paul, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc., etc., etc...
But it is to pick nits. What else has been said about the Catholic Church? I wandered across the pond, and lo! Consider this gem of gems, this pearl of pearls, this enlightened and thoughtful examination of the Church's teaching on contraception from those eminent thinkers: Monty Python.
Now the amazing thing is that this has not been cited more regularly by the current defenders of the HHS mandate--but I digress. Setting aside the question of whether it is humanly possible for one couple to have that many kids; setting aside the question of how on earth a man who couldn't break the Church's teaching on contraception is quite so blithe about selling his kids for medical experiments (a thing which, you know, might not be glowingly approved by said Church); setting aside the fact that NFP works and is permitted to Catholics and taught by parishes; setting all that aside...this is of course fair! Balanced! And unafraid!
But hey-let's not overlook great ideas when they come! Mel Brooks, you're right! Our bishops should take note. I believe it's time to...send in the nuns!
Ah--even though these women are obviously, unavoidably oppressed and savagely bitter about the Pope's ruthless restriction of their reproductive rights and freedoms, I'm sure that they might condescend to put in a good word for the teaching and practice of a Church to which they had consecrated their lives. Perhaps there are more than a few women, in fact, who might accept and defend the teaching of the Church on contraception? Perhaps they might be able to talk some sense into the current administration--though, of course, they'd be nice about it. "Don't leave him bald and yowling in despair!"
But let us reflect--is there no proper representation of the current administration's view of women's self-control, of the nature of sexuality, of the purpose of human life and existence floating around in pop culture land?
Perhaps this. "Get a load of that stained glass window," indeed.
And here's the perfect icon of the people who bring you a real, live demographic winter!
Yes, because the truth is, children are the oppressors and the adults are the oppressed! Babies in the womb oppress the women who bear them, the women used to be called "mothers" and now are known to be the victims of the terrifying weakness--I mean, strength--and dependence--I mean, violence--of the child in the womb. Invaders! Ruthless invaders! Call the child-catcher at once!
Because a civilization based upon the principles of the sexual revolution is utterly sustainable, will endure forever, is the perfect model of civilization, is...what's that you say?
The western world has entered a period of demoralization comparable to the periods when both Greece and Rome turned from growth to decay.--Carle Zimmerman, 1947 Family and Civilization.Well--so long as it doesn't make--ahem--donkeys out of us all.New York, Harper and Row. pg. 632
But one does not lightly anger Leviathan:
There's always hope, though, when one has a Blue Fairy...
or the light of Earendil...
or Mother Mary...
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