From the secular side of things, we have a fair range of data indicating at least some significant increase in the risk of certain kinds of cancer arising from chemical contraceptives. The data varies somewhat from source to source, but it's there coming from rather reputable places. Here's
CancerHelp UK on the cancer risk from contraceptives.
Here's WebMD on the subject.
Here's the National Cancer Institute on the subject. Note: some of these also speak of a reduced cancer risk from some forms of birth control pills.
From the Catholic side, a range of information.
First, we have
Dr. Janet Smith's
video of the same title (transcript available
here). Here's an excerpt:
Here's a rather passionate homily in opposition to contraception.
Here's an NCR article on a federal study indicating a rise in cancer from birth control use.
And, of course, there's
Humanae Vitae and its elucidation in the context of Christian revelation about humans as a bodysoul unity:
Blessed Pope John Paul II's
Theology of the Body.
This does not pretend to be comprehensive--it's a start.
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