Sheehan, Arthur
Miller, William D. Dorothy Day: A Biography
Maurin, Peter. "Catholic Radicalism: Phrased Essays For The Green Revolution". New York: Catholic Worker Books. 1949.
The following books were recommended repeatedly by Peter Maurin in reading lists appended to his essays.
- Art in a Changing Civilization, Eric Gill
- Bourgeois Mind, The
, Nicholas Berdyaev
- Brotherhood Economics
, Toyohiko Kagawa
- Charles V
, Wyndham Lewis
- Catholicism, Protestantism and Capitalism
, Amintore Fanfani
- Christianity and Class War
, Nicholas Berdyaev
- Church and the Land, The,
Father Vincent McNabb, O.P.
- Discourse on Usury, Thomas Wilson
- Emancipation of a Free Thinker, The, Herbert E. Cory
- Enquiries Into Religion and Culture
, Christopher Dawson
- Fields, Factories and Workshops
, Peter Kropotkin
- Fire on the Earth, Paul Hanly Furfey
- Flight From the City, The
, Ralph Borsodi
- Franciscan Message to the World, The
, Father Agostino Gemelli, F.M.
- Freedom in the Modern World
, Jacques Maritain
- Future of Bolshevism, The
, Waldemar Gurian
- Guildsman's Interpretation of History, A
, Arthur Penty
- Great Commandment of the Gospel, The
, His Excellency A. G. Cicognani
, Apostolic Delegate to the U. S.
- Ireland and the Foundation of Europe
, Benedict Fitzpatrick
- I Take My Stand
, by Twelve Southern Agrarians
- Land of the Free, The
, Herbert Agar
- Lord of the World
, Robert Hugh Benson
- Making of Europe, The
, Christopher Dawson
- Man the Unknown
, Dr. Alexis Carrel
- Nations Can Stay at Home, B. O. Wilcox
- Nazareth or Social Chaos
, Father Vincent McNabb, O.P.
- Our Enemy the State
, Albert Jay Nock
- Outline of Sanity
, G. K. Chesterton
- Personalist Manifesto
, Emmanuel Mounier
- Philosophy of Work, A
, Etienne Borne
- Post-Industrialism
, Arthur Penty
- Progress and Religion
, Christopher Dawson
- Religion and the Modern State
, Christopher Dawson
- Religion and the Rise of Capitalism
, R. H. Tawney
- Revolution Personnaliste et Communautaire (La), Emmanuel Mounier
- Saint Francis of Assisi
, G. K. Chesterton
- Social Principles of the Gospel
, Alphonse Lugan
- Soviet Man Now
, Helen Iswolsky
- Temporal Regime and Liberty, Jacques Maritain
- Theory of the Leisure Class, The
, Thorstein Veblen
- Thomistic Doctrine of the Common Good, The, Seraphine Michel
- Things That Are Not Caesar's
, Jacques Maritain
- Toward a Christian Sociology
, Arthur Penty
- True Humanism
, Jacques Maritain
- Two Nations, The
, Christopher Hollis
- Unfinished Universe, The
, T. S. Gregory
- Valerian Persecution, The
, Father Patrick Healy
- What Man Has Made of Man
, Mortimer Adler
- Work and Leisure
, Eric Gill
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