This looks like an excellent catechetical series:
This website is the home of the catechetical program: “Come, follow me” – which is used for the catechesis of children in parishes and schools...The authors of this program are Fr. Benoit Caulle, parish priest, and Anne-Marie Le Bourhis, school teacher and member of the International Catechetical Commission. They are members of the Notre Dame de Vie Institute and have been involved in catechesis for many years.For catechizing children with no language/autism, the St. Mary's curriculum was recommended. For those catechizing people with mental issues, the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy program was recommended. The Xavier Society for the Blind offers catechetical resources for ministering to the visually impaired folks within the Church. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd was recommended as well--based in the Montessori method of education, it apparently would work well for autistic or Aspergers children. For more on Catholic ministry to those with special needs, see here, here, here, and here.
The book, written to help catechize children (ages 7-11) have received the imprimatur for catechetical use and have also received the stamp of approval of the French Episcopal Commission for Catechesis and the Catechumenate. This program has been tried and tested for many years in France and abroad (e.g., Lebanon, Lithuania, and the Philippines). It was conceived and written in the light of the teaching of the Church: the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the General Directory for Catechesis.
Lucas Pollice has recently published a book on catechesis. Another classic would be Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Craft of Catechesis
A cool testimony from a woman working with Maryvale and Notre Dame de Vie on their catechetics programs, Sister Hyacinthe.
Dr. Petroc Willey
And some videos on the subjects at hand:
First, an explanation of a fascinating catechetical collaboration.
Then liturgical catechesis.
An expert on the catechism on catechesis.
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