Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Coolness from Latest Australian Blessed

Awesomeness. Even better? This was the runner-up miracle:
...For Mrs Simpson the turning point came one night in 2000.
''That night I thought Jack was going to die. He seemed to be in the last stage, with the breath rattling. I thought, 'You can't keep fighting forever, you have to surrender,' and I said, 'If you want him, God, you can have him.' ''
But in the morning he was still alive. She thought he might be cured, so she stood him up, but he was still paralysed.
''That's when Mary MacKillop appeared. She helped me lift him up and get him back into bed. From then on, I knew I was never alone and her strength became mine.''
Four years later, Jack's multiple sclerosis and cancer vanished and his neurological functions began to return. .
"Andrew Kornberg, director of the neurology department at the Royal Children's Hospital, called Jack's recovery miraculous, and the Vatican agreed - not for the MS or cancer but for  . .  ." the return of his intellectual competency, because that has never been documented in human history.''
The story of the Woodend identical twin has not been told until now because, while the cases were being investigated by the Vatican, the family was asked to keep it secret..."

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