This gallery of fiction and nonfiction books every geek should read is a compilation of recommendations from TechRepublic members, contributors, and editors. (You can also view the recommendations in list format in this Geekend post.) If you want to recommend a geek book to the TechRepublic community, post the title in this discussion. Atlas Shrugged, recommended by Edmond Woychowsky as the ultimate geek book, discusses how modern "geeks" hold the weight of the heavens upon their shoulders like Atlas in the Greek myths. Ayn Rand
's tenets are in total contrast to modern business theories (for instance, there is no "I" in team) and suggest that certain individuals are irreplaceable. Edmond wrote, "I find the concept of a world that demands the fruits of geek labor, yet belittles the geeks themselves strikingly familiar." This book is sure to spark a memory or two in your mind and stimulate conversation, which Edmond's original TechRepublic post did.
Atlas ShruggedAyn Rand
Lord Of the Rings
2001 A Space Odyssey
War of the WorldsHG Wells
NeuromancerWilliam Gibson
SnowcrashNeal Stephenson
The FountainheadAyn Rand
The Soul of a New MachineTracy Kidder
Hackers:Heroes of the COmputer RevolutionSteven Levy
Brave New WorldAldous Huxley
FrankensteinMary Shelley
If Chins could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie ActorBruce Campbell
Shadows over InnsmouthHP Lovecraft
the Call of Cthulhu![]()
The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the GalaxyDouglas Adams
The Illustrated ManRay Bradbury
Does It Matter?Nicholas G. Carr
Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden BraidDouglas R Hofstadter
MicroserfsDouglas Coupland
Show-Stopper!G. Pascal Zachary
The Cuckoo's EggCliff Stoll
The Google StoryDavid A. Vise
The Road AheadBill Gates
Wikinomics:How Mass Collaboration Changes EverythingDon Tapscott
IWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon
1984George Orwell
20000 Leagues Under the SeaJules Verne
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?Philip K Dick
FoundationIsaac Asimov
Harry Potter
His Dark materialsPhilip Pullman
The Day of the TriffidsJohn Wyndham
The Lion, The Witch and The WardrobeCS Lewis
The Time MachineHG Wells
1632Eric Flint
Fahrenheit 451Ray Bradbury
Slaughterhouse-FiveKurt Vonnegut
Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the WestGregory Maguire
ContactCarl Sagan
DuneFrank Herbert
I, RobotIsaac Asimov
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle MaintenanceRobert M Pirsig
LilaRobert M Pirsig
Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the limits of the PossibleArthur C. Clarke
Revelation SpaceAlastair Reynolds
Starship TroopersRobert A Heinlein
Where the Wild Things Are
World War Z:An Oral History of the Zombie WarMax Brooks
The Geek Atlas![]()
Nicole Bremer Nash
Little, Big![]()
John Crowley![]()
The CityChina Mieville
Everything Bad is Good for YouSteven Johnson
Stranger in a Strange LandRobert A Heinlein
The cluetrain Manifesto
AnathemaNeal Stephenson
Predicably IrrationalDan Ariely
Amber SeriesRoger Zelazny
Magician:ApprenticeRaymond E. Feist
Magician:MasterRaymond E. Feist
The Serpentwar Saga: Book 1 Shadow of a Dark QueenShadow of a Dark Queen (The Serpentwar Saga, Book 1)Raymond E. Feist
The Serpentwar Saga: Book 2 Rise of a Merchant PrinceRaymond E. Feist
The Serpentwar Saga: Book 3 Rage of a Demon KingRaymond E. Feist
The Serpentwar Saga: Book 4 Shards of a Broken CrownRaymond E. Feist
Code CompleteSteve McConnell
The Mythical Man-Month:Essays on Software Engineering
Enders GameOrson Scott Card
American GodsNeil Gaiman
RingworldLarry Niven
The Forever WarJoe Haldeman
The Ghost BrigadesJohn Scalzi
The Sword of ShannaraTerry Brooks
HyperionDan Simmons
A brief History of TimeStephen Hawking
The Dilbert PrincipleScott Adams
"The great storm is coming, but the tide has turned." Culture, Catholicism, and current trends watched with a curious eye.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Geek Reads
Well--this looks like fun.
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