Thursday, August 25, 2011

Catholics! Marching Orders!

Russell Shaw summarizes the lay Catholic's responsibility for the new evangelization. Excerpts:
There are two simple steps any lay person can and should take right now to be part of the new evangelization, without waiting for the Pope or the Synod of Bishops or their pastor to give them their marching orders.

The first is to be exemplary in living out the faith with courage and conviction — not just on Sunday but every day of the week. People of faith attract attention nowadays, sometimes favorable, sometimes not. That’s evangelization.

The second is to study the faith to be able to explain it intelligently and defend it when it’s attacked. That also is evangelization. If you aren’t already doing these two things, start now.
In short, love God, his Church, and your neighbor so much, you just have to introduce them to one another.

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