Sunday, January 30, 2011

Life Imitates Art

From the Telegraph, we read this piece. Excerpts:
One bishop has claimed that the Vatican's invitation has "embarrassed" Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, while a leading cleric compared it to a "corporate takeover bid".

Another bishop admitted that relations between the two Churches had been damaged by the move.

It is the first time that prominent Anglicans have criticised the Pope's offer since it was made in 2009 and reveals the anger that has been simmering ever since.

Their comments follow the ordination of three former Anglican bishops as Roman Catholic priests last Saturday and risk exacerbating tensions between the two Churches...
All of which would appear to be nothing more nor less than proof--aye, strong, positive proof!--that the good Lord has bestowed upon the classic comics Fry and Laurie the power of true prophesy! Proof, I tell you! Proof, I say! For, behold!
"Merger with RomeCorp? I hadn't heard anything about that..."

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