Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Miracle of Hiroshima

Cause this is not normal:
That has, of course (and to my amused delight) given rise to some conspiracy theories. Man, I loves me some anti-Catholic conspiracy theories. Why? Because these are better than novels--even though a bunch of them have become novels:
...Most of the top U.S. generals (including President Eisenhower) said that the bombing was unnecessary. It had great propaganda effect for the Jesuits as Baptist President Truman was blamed for the bombing.

Arrupe blamed the "godless" United States (meaning not Pope ruled) for the bombing...

Just as in the case of the gracious Queen Elizabeth I who was forced into signing the death warrant of Mary Queen of Scots, President Truman was setup by the events surrounding the atomic bombing of Japan. President Truman was actually OUT of the country SIGHTSEEING when those momentous events happened...
Heh. Yeah. Cause we loved the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, and Catholics totally had the power at the time to force the Virgin Queen to do anything we wanted.  That's why this happened.. And of course, President Truman would be delighted to serve as a papist tool...

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