Monday, August 23, 2010

Benedictine Updates

On the one hand:

The first volume of a projected 16-volume collection of the theological works of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinge prior to his election as Pope Benedict XVI, has been released.

The first volume of the Opera Omnia is dedicated to the liturgy. In the preface the Pope affirms that since boyhood he has regarded the liturgy as “the central activity of my life.”

The Opera Omnia of Joseph Ratzinger collect his written works dating back to his doctoral thesis. The series is being produced in German by the Herder published firm, in cooperation with the Vatican publishing house, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, which is producing the works in Italian translation.

On the other hand:

The spokesman, Peter Jennings, said he had "never seen security like this".

The Cabinet Office said "a very good job is being done" in Birmingham towards organising the event.

Mr Jennings said: "I think the security's draconian. But I can't question the authorities on security.

"They're in charge. The government is in charge of the security and they have to make the decisions."

In a statement, the Cabinet Office said: "A very good job is being done in Birmingham towards organising the event with dozens of organisations involved.

"The government is working with local authorities and the police and has to balance security whilst working with the church to secure a good experience for pilgrims."

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