Thursday, June 2, 2011

North Korean Martyrs, Pray for Us!

Apparently, there really exists a Christian church of North Korea.  Excerpts:
..."About 40 thousand underground Christians still live in North Korea. Including those, and they are the majority, who have ended up in a labour camp because of their faith", revealed Protestant minister Lim Chang-ho in an interview with the Daily NK. According to the pastor, "given the high level of repression by the regime against Christians, they are preserved in the only way they can: get married to each other and in secret."

In North Korea, people are organized into 51 classes. The first three are based on loyalty to the Kim family and the cult of dictator as the "eternal president" and the "Dear Leader" his son as the only accepted forms of divinity in the country. Obviously, anyone who professes a religion or is in possession of religious material is classified as "hostile" and is effectively banned from public life in the country.

According to the testimonies of those who manage to escape from the clutches of the regime, Christians are subjected to the worst treatment. In this situation, the beleaguered community responds the best way it can: "Christianity is still present only thanks to the very courageous and admirable attitude of the faithful. When neighbours see how a Christian behaves, they want to imitate them: I can not confirm it, but there is even talk of some conversions..."

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