Oh, all right, all right, all you Gallifreyans who found your way here because of the title. Here:
Anyway--Msgr. Pope reiterates that in this piece. Excerpts follow:
...I often laugh when people try to label me or figure me out. I am against abortion so they call me a Republican. I am troubled by the death penalty (along with the Pope and Bishops) and they call me a Democrat.I am against Gay ”marriage” and they call me a Republican.
I advocate for the poor, love immigrants and work with the Interfaith Network and they call me a Democrat.
I say the Latin Mass and they say I am a conservative.
I rejoice at a Gospel Mass and they say I’m off the hook.
And all this time I was just trying to be a Catholic and a disciple.
The Church is wide. I think of the Christian journey as a trip up the King’s Highway. Now on this road there are a good number of lanes. The Church permits us to drive in any or all the lanes, but sets up guard rails beyond which we must not go. Hence there is legitimate diversity on the King’s Highway. An old song also says, King Jesus has a garden full of diverse flowers...
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