Friday, February 5, 2010

We Live in a Novel

I swear. Honestly. This is insane:

Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain — known now as the PIIGS, if Ireland is included — are the weak sisters of Europe, with high structural deficits matched with low prospects for the kind of economic growth and productivity improvements that can bring them back to health.

The north-south split is partly geographic, partly cultural, partly religious and partly historical, but the southerners tend to be poorer and to have less competitive economies.

The capitalist pigs are failing. Gotcha. The Orthodox/Catholic countries tend to be poorer, partly from religious/cultural reasons. Uh-huh. The good EU needs to get its act together and assert power over the member states for the good of the whole. Yeah. George Orwell, Europe just became Animal Farm. Well, at least they're still flying the flag of the Apocalyptic Great Sign...


Sarah Harkins said...

Hi Chris, for lack of a better place (I didn't see your email) I wanted to introduce myself. I saw an article in the Franciscian Way about technology and it mentioned you and your blog. I started a blog too- first as an addition to my website, now it has become an evangilization tool for people I know and don't know. I was happy to find a fellow Franciscan blogging for a purpose! Do you know any other bloggers from Franciscan?

Chris Sparks said...

Hi, Sarah,

I don't know of other Franciscan bloggers. I'm sure there's a bunch out there.

Good luck with your efforts! Thanks for reading!


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